a tag-based programming language, ColdFusion is used widely by
programmers to rapidly create web application. The programming language
is also hugely popular among Java developers due to its effectiveness in
reducing development time and efforts. Unlike other popular web
programming languages, ColdFusion allows programmers to build complex
internet and intranet programs without writing additional and lengthy
WhiteHat Security, an application security provider, recently assessed over 30,000 websites “to measure how the underlying programming languages and frameworks perform in the field.” According to the Website Security Statistics Report released recently by WhiteHat Security, “ColdFusion was found to have the fewest with an average of 6 vulnerabilities per slot.”
Thus, ColdFusion beats other widely used web technologies like .Net,
Java, ASP, PHP and Perl in terms of average vulnerabilities per slot.
However, the developers still need to address a number of security
issues while creating ColdFusion applications.
Security Issues Developers Must Address while Building ColdFusion Applications
Cross-Site Scripting
web applications are prone to cross-site scripting attacks. As
ColdFusion is used widely for web development, it becomes essential for
programmers to prevent cross-site scripting (XSS). The attackers take
advantage of XSS to inject client-side scripts into the web pages. Also,
the XSS vulnerability can be used by attackers to bypass access
control. So XSS can have a huge impact on the sensitive data handled by
the ColdFusion applications.
SQL Injection
XSS, SQL injection can also affect sensitive data handled by the
ColdFusion applications negatively. The attackers use the options to
receive input from clients to insert or inject SQL scripts. Once the SQL
injection is done successfully, the script can read sensitive data from
the database, manipulate the database, and execute database
administration operations. However, the programmers have several options
to secure the ColdFusion application from SQL injection attack.
Un-validated Browser Input
programmers can further optimize the security of their ColdFusion
applications by validating the browser input. When the browser input is
not validated properly, it becomes easier for attackers to carry out SQL
injection and XSS attacks. The web programmers have several options to
validate the browser input without writing any complex code. Also, the
browser input validation must be included as an integral part of the
software testing plan. The browser input must be validated at both
development and evaluation stage to create a secure ColdFusion
Abuse of Functionality
the features and functionality of a web application is decided by
keeping in mind its usage. But there are always chances that some of
these functionalities can be abused by attackers. The attack technique
can be defined as misusing the intended functionality of a web
application to generate undesirable action or outcome. Along with
leaking information and consuming additional resources, abuse of
functionality can destroy access control. However, the extent and impact
of such attacks vary from one application to another. The programmers
must evaluate the features and functionality of the ColdFusion
application, and impose restriction to prevent them from being abused.
Complexity of Code
developers integrate web applications with third-party applications and
services to deliver richer user experience. So they often have to write
complex code to make the integration seamless. Sometimes the complex
nature of the code affects the application’s overall security
negatively. The loopholes in the third-party applications also make it
easier for attackers to attack the ColdFusion application. So each
application must be tested comprehensively to eliminate the chances of
security threats.
report released by WhiteHat Security also highlighted that there is a
direct link between the average vulnerabilities per slot and volume of
the language in the field. As ColdFusion does not have a substantial
volume of the language in the field, it becomes less susceptible to
security threat in comparison to other widely used technologies like
Java, ASP and .Net. You can get in touch with a coldfusion web application development company who can help you develop web apps that are stable, scalable and secure.
We provide Coldfusion development services. If you would like to hire expert coldfusion developer for your development needs, please contact us Mindfire Solutions.