Sunday 15 February 2015

Things to consider while migrating to newest version in ColdFusion

coldfusion web development
ColdFusion 10 is the latest update from Adobe Systems. The new version is a server side development platform for the company. The main USP of this new version is that it enables the coders to develop web applications that are more dynamic. In fact, the latest one helps in developing applications that are more interactive as well as mobile functional. Keeping in sync with the demands of the new age, the ColdFusion 10 is easy to control. It helps in cutting down the development time. In an age where applications are in high demand, time plays an important role. Tools like these are of immense help when they save time in the development processes.

There are several components that you need to consider if you are planning to migrate to the latest version. The big question that lies ahead is why will you migrate at all to the newest ColdFusion version? There are loads of enhanced features including HTML5, better security, etc. For developers it has become easier to build smarter solutions as well as improve the productivity of the website. They can also utilize it to strengthen the encryption as well as authenticate the various techniques that can be employed for website projects requiring a robust security concerns.

Why migrate to ColdFusion 10?
If you are working with ColdFusion 9 there is every reason why you should look forward to the upgradation. There are a host of benefits including the fact that the learning curve is a short one. Moreover, the new one offers better integration when it comes to the other web applications. If you are pining for the futuristic technologies, you just cannot ignore ColdFusion 10. The features present in it enable the developers to create high performing apps offering an outstanding user experience. As a user one will have an improved control over the apps. Moreover it becomes easier to deploy the same as the smart features integrated by Adobe take deal with the complex codes with ease.

Here’s a list of 5 features that must be taken into consideration while migrating to newest ColdFusion version –

Tomcat Application
This ranks as the latest release in the Apache Tomcat application. This feature has actually replaced Adobe JRun that was present in the previous version. Owing to this new feature, the ColdFusion developers can now keep themselves ahead about the latest updates on the web security standards. The nifty cache tool is instrumental in saving time.

If you are into application development, you just cannot look beyond HTML5. Whether it is about integrating social networking or online games or even ecommerce solutions, the web socket from HTML5 seems irreplaceable.

Improved Security
With so many handheld devices ruling the world security is definitely an issue. For website developers it is essential to look out for the better security. ColdFusion 10 helps the developers better with this. By upgrading it, the servers can be secured in abetter way as well as put the virus attacks at bay.

Mobile Development
With the mobile devices taking the world by storm, how can you ignore mobile development? ColdFusion 10 makes it easier for the programmers to build the tools that will help in developing better HTTP methods.

Improving the language
The developers working with this tool can ensure faster work as well as better efficiency. The entire project can be completed at a faster pace and it becomes more manageable. Otherwise the large amounts of codes can actually take a toll on the development time.

Although there might be problems or shortcomings with the latest version but, as of now, it definitely meets the requirements of the developers. Anyone who is looking forward to a reliable and usable web application, this version is just perfect. . You can get in touch with a custom ColdFusion web development company who can help you develop web apps that are stable, scalable and secure.

We provide ColdFusion migration services. If you would like to hire a ColdFusion developer for your development needs, please contact us Mindfire Solutions.

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