Wednesday 22 April 2015

Few benefits of using ColdFusion

Coldfusion programming
It's a web domain specific language: Recently, we have seen a tremendous growth of web industry. Almost all other industries are taking the help of web industry to promote their business and potential. Things are getting even better with the introduction of smart phones and tablets into the industry. Moreover, they are increasing their volume at a very faster pace. As a result it triggers the web industry to grow in a much faster pace than before. To help the industry, ColdFusion has born as a web domain specific language. ColdFusion has already gained a good reputation and popularity in the industry in developing industry standard web application on the fly. It has all the necessary and required features to develop enterprise standard web solution that is highly optimised and reliable. Let us discuss those features or benefits of ColdFusion that has helped ColdFusion in getting a prestigious position in the industry.

It can enable the web developer for modern web application development: The most important feature of ColdFusion is its up-to-date industry facilities. It has all the modern amenities to conquer the web industry with a smile in the dimple. Modern technologies like HTML5, CSS3 and JQuery etc can be easily integrated to your ColdFusion application to make it not only modern but also futuristic. You can develop a common web application that can impart similar user experience for different devices or platforms. This is otherwise called as responsive web design and it can be well achieved by ColdFusion developers.

Mobile app- Not an issue!! If you are looking for a mobile app development for your users or audience then there is a lot of scope in ColdFusion to develop enterprise standard mobile apps for different platforms like Android, iOS and Windows etc. A ColdFusion developer can be transformed into an iOS developer or Android developer without much hassle; because it provides an efficient platform to develop mobile apps for different operating systems. Moreover you can develop native apps and hybrid apps using ColdFusion for next generation devices like smart phones and tablets.

ColdFusion is Cloud compatible: With the growth of hand held computer devices like smart phone and tablets, the industry has a fear of physical memory to accommodate user’s data to store in these devices. To avoid this issue industry has introduced a new technology i.e., cloud storage service recently. It has already gained an overnight popularity among the users. Through cloud storage, a user can store big size of data like hundreds of GBs or TBs in cloud without any need of physical hard disk. Moreover their data is extremely safe and secure under these services with high level of encryption technology adopted by the industry leading cloud service providers like Google, Amazon, Apple and Microsoft etc. Fortunately cloud service technology can be integrated by the ColdFusion programmers to make the things easier and comfortable than before and hence making it future ready for the industry.

Has a good support: If a technology has already proven its potential then we needn’t to worry about the quality of support and service it provides in the industry. ColdFusion developer’s community is really huge and extremely co-operative in nature and they can help you out from any unexpected situation at any point of time.

You can get in touch with a Coldfusion web development company who can help you build coldfusion web app within allocated budgets and time schedules.

We provide Coldfusion programming services. If you would like to hire Coldfusion programmers for your web development needs, please contact Mindfire Solutions.

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